Friday, September 23, 2005

sweet thoughts

. : the person meant for you is the person who'll love you : .
. : even when there's no more reason to love you : .
. : for in your NOTHINGNESS : .
. : the one meant for you will find what's lovable in you : .

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Loving someone who doesnt love you.. like watching a star!
y o u K N O W y o u C A N n e v e r R E A C H i t
But you just keep on hanging!!!
-= why not ? =-
even STARS can

three ironies of life

  • loving the right person at the wrong time
  • being with the worng person when the time is right
  • realizing that the person is right when he walks out of your life


- it happens by choice..

Cause human beings all have feelings..
It's just that there are some who pretend not to feel..
And some who act so blind not to see..
As well as some who act so deaf not to hear..

what is felt, seen, heard by the heart..

lost ^PRIDE^

......Loving someone... like losing your own pride.. might be for a good cause...
.it might be not..
..but what is important.. that you're willing to give up...
..something as great as pride..
...for someone you really love...

Friday, September 16, 2005


Why do we fall for someone who isnt really for us..
Should we blame ourselves for falling w/ the wrong one..
Or should we blame the one we fell in love with
cause they made us feel that they are the right one..

Sunday, September 11, 2005

if you love someone..

is the
thing to do,
but it's not the
you cried
that makes
it so
it's the small
piece of
left inside your
heart that
you'll still
up together."

Saturday, September 10, 2005


...sometimes, we must be hurt in order to GROW
...we must fail in order to KNOW
we must lose in order to GAIN...
some lessons are best learned through PAIN!

Friday, September 09, 2005

TRUST - not for safe sex, but for great love :-)

" i trust you" is a better compliment than
" i love you " coz you might not always trust
the one you LOVE, but you can always love
the person you TRUST for the
rest of your life..

"RULES" of Love..

  1. Never kiss when you're not committed..
  2. Never expect, just hope!
  3. Never love a taken MAN..
  4. Never fall for a friend :-)
  5. and then realize that in LOVE, there are indeed no rules to follow...


..:: iROnY of LoVE ::..

if a BIRD loves a FISH, where would they live?
who gets the fins and who loses the wings?
well, that's how love goes...
you need to lose something but in the end,
it doesnt make you LESS,
it makes you COMPLETE..

my CHOICE, im still gonna wait!!

You deserve to be HAPPY not in the arms of someone who keeps you waiting...But in the arms of someone who will take you NOW, love you FOREVER and leave you NEVER..

Thursday, September 08, 2005

give me a CHANCE

it's NOT wrong TO love SOMEONE you HAVE loved BEFORE..
BUT if THE love YOU feel BRINGS tears TO someone ELSE,
be FAIR cause YOU might NEVER know THAT the ONE you're HURTING is
the ONE who COULD love YOU even MORE..


LOVE never gets tired, only people do..

whenever they get TIRED, it doesnt mean that they dont LOVE you anymore..

they just wanna rest and come back...


Wednesday, September 07, 2005


when you love,
of course you want to last it forever...
but come to think of it..
the best love doesn't necessarily last forever..

"the best love is the one you feel the happiest
and get hurt the most" :-(

Missing You...

i wish that one day..

you will miss me so much that
no matter how hard you look for me,
you won't find me...

WHY ?!?! WHY ?!?! WHY ?!?!

cause i want you to miss me

THE way I'M missing YOU now...

a soldier..

you might find it easy to fall in love with someone..
the hard thing is to let that someone love you back..
but that's the challenge of loving..
FIGHTING without knowing how to WIN..

love.. love.. love... what the heck!?!

love changes you...the way you think, the way you act, and even the way you decide..sometimes you even go against your principles and beliefs in life..Loving doesn't always mean you will be happy..Sometimes, all it provides you is misery and pain..
Yet, you are blinded by strong emotions that you fail to see reality..Sometimes, letting go is the only answer and it hurts like hell!But you will soon realize that it's better if the person you love would be happpy with someone else, than lonely with you.. and that's what you call SACRIFICE!

from a friend...

"Learn to love the people who are willing to love you at present...
Forget the people in the past and thank them for hurting you,
which led you to love the people you have right now..."

- thanks myke -

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ahh.. so sad!

- i said i didn't cry much went you went away, i told you i can move on and that i will be okay,

- i said i was happy when you found someone new, but the sad thing is that you believed in me though i didn't want you to..

for gus..

i have come to realize that he's just a GUY, a great one maybe...
but he isn't mine..

i don't need to do things to make him love me..

cause if he wanted to, he would..

i still love you gus..

not now, please!

i don't know why i keep on loving you
despite the fact that i'll get hurt again just like before..
i never learn coz i don't want to.. not now!,
while im still strong to fall for you over and over again..

right or wrong?

LIFE is so short to waste time for someone whose UNWORTHY of your love..
its so sad when the RIGHT PERSON won't be able to search for you coz
you're too busy all your life making the WRONG PERSON right for you...

don't know what to do :-(

cant think of you coz i might need you.. can't call you coz i might care for you, can't be with you coz i might miss you.. what will i do when all the things about you makes me wanna fall for you...

holding on to YOU..

i told myself that for everything i hold on to..
there must be something i must let go of..
but if one day i couldn't find anything to let go of no more..
i'd let go of myself so i can hold on to you..

i love you goodbye..

i know you no longer care but i wont ask why. i would never ask questions that would only make me cry, i know you'll go and i can't ask you to stay, there's no reason for you to..
you're not mine anyway...