Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Missing You...

i wish that one day..

you will miss me so much that
no matter how hard you look for me,
you won't find me...

WHY ?!?! WHY ?!?! WHY ?!?!

cause i want you to miss me

THE way I'M missing YOU now...


Blogger LYN said...

Totally agree.
it's better to have had loved and lost than to never have a love at all" - what a cliche!
Cliche, it might not be.
Cos the fact is-
The only certainty is uncertainty.

6:07 PM, September 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

missing some one is not that important

maybe it is just not ment to be.

but then again

what if the circumstances only got in the way?

thst is just the way it is..

--peace out

6:09 PM, September 07, 2005  

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